
* 2013
* February 2012
* January 2012
* December 2011
* November 2011
* October 2011
* September 2011
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* July 2011


* A brief and common language explanation of what I believe

* A Case for Evangelical Lutheranism

* Comments on the grief journey at six months

* Ten Reasonable Biblical Expectations for Marriage

* An article on Divorce and Remarriage

* A Spiritual Warfare prayer

* A prayer for the salvation of an unsaved love one or friend

* Liturgy for Morning and Evening Prayers

My stuff...

* Home
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* Life?
* My Work
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* Vacations
* Boliva
* Moonlight
* Garden Railroad
* Airships
* Stripper Canoe
* Fossils
* '06 Memorial Tour
* '07 East Coast
* June 21, 2008
* Honeymoon
* Meet Me
* Contact

Other pages I do...

* Evergreen Lutheran Church
* High Desert Runners
* Lancaster Northwestern Model Railroad Club

Good devo stuff...

* E-Word Today
* Lutheran Hour Ministries
* Global Prayer Digest
* Peace Officer Ministries

Ten Reasonable Biblical Expectations for Marriage

From A Celebration of Sex: A Christian Couple's Manual by Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau (Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers:1994)

1. Each of us will have a partner and soul mate offering unconditional love, understanding, and support. We will be best friends.

2. Neither of us will expect the other to meet all needs or take sole responsibility for personal happiness. We will give each other space to breathe.

3. We will leave our fathers and mothers and create a new, independent, special family unit.

4. We will have one healthy fight a week. Confrontations around our unmet personal needs will be believed and not dismissed.

5. We will take regular vacations and honeymoons throughout our marriage as we mend and enhance intimacy.

6. We will use credit carefully as we become wise stewards of our finances.

7. My mate will be faithful and committed to me.

8. Either of us will be able to initiate marriage counseling and the other will be willing to go.

9. We will have regular, satisfying sexual interaction.

10. We will enjoy a spiritual life together with prayer and Bible study.
