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My Week on Twitter

Twitter Week



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by J. Christian Andrews

January 23, 2016

Good or not, I suppose it is a matter of perspective, but I have become a sort of twitter nut. I've also started following quiet a number of blogs and posting readings I like or find useful to others and to me to twitter. Once in a while an article I tweet ends up in an online magazine what ever that means. Thus it is that I have decided to see if I can put up a list of my most significant twitter activity for each week. Here are my links for January 17 to 23.

Public Servant's Prayer
When Abotion Stops Making Sense
Plus Seven Holy Armor
Ultimate Christian Reader's Resource Guide
My Ethics of Blogging
There Is No Such Thing as a Prosperity Pastor
Martin Luther and "True Prayer"
Cosmic Cycles, not Carbon Dioxide, Control Climate
Adam 4D: Anti-abortion Extremist
The Ugly, Unknown Story Behind Roe v. Wade
Professors moved left since 1990s, rest of country did not
Rebel. Don't Apologize
Going All-in with E-Books
Pray for the Holy Spirit
5 Lies American Culture Feeds Us Every Day
Trapped in the Darkness
The 12 Most Shocking Celebrity Revelations of 2016
Evangelical Leader Russell Moore Just Blistered Donald Trump in Response to His Speech Today
My Fair Olinda: Three Steps To Making Purposeful Goals
Abortion numbers: How many were there? How many women died?
There But for the Grace of God Go I
A Pro=life ObGyn Looks at Abotionists
Bongino: The Memory of Benghazi
3 Youth Group Lessons I've Had to Unlearn
Live Under an Iron Fist
J. C & ?