
* 2013
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* July 2011


* A brief and common language explanation of what I believe

* A Case for Evangelical Lutheranism

* Comments on the grief journey at six months

* Ten Reasonable Biblical Expectations for Marriage

* An article on Divorce and Remarriage

* A Spiritual Warfare prayer

* A prayer for the salvation of an unsaved love one or friend

* Liturgy for Morning and Evening Prayers

My stuff...

* Home
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* 365 Project
* Life?
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* Vacations
* Boliva
* Moonlight
* Garden Railroad
* Airships
* Stripper Canoe
* Fossils
* '06 Memorial Tour
* '07 East Coast
* June 21, 2008
* Honeymoon
* Meet Me
* Contact

Other pages I do...

* Evergreen Lutheran Church
* High Desert Runners
* Lancaster Northwestern Model Railroad Club

Good devo stuff...

* E-Word Today
* Lutheran Hour Ministries
* Global Prayer Digest
* Peace Officer Ministries


God puts different people in our lives for whom He wants us to pray. This is an example of aggressive prayer for the unbelievers we know. (To download a .doc file of this prayer, click here.)

Loving heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bring before You in Prayer ____________________. I ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance that I might pray in the Spirit as You have told me to pray. I thank you, heavenly Father, that You have sovereign control over ___________________.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and as a priest of God, I ask for mercy and forgiveness for the sins of _________________ by which he has grieved You. I plead the sufficiency of the blood of Jesus to meet the full penalty his sins deserve. I claim back the ground of his life which he has given to Satan by believing the enemy's deception. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I resist all of Satan's activity to hold ________________ in blindness and darkness, exercising the authority which is given to me in my union with the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for the destruction of the strongholds which the kingdom of darkness has formed against _________________ 's mind, his will, his emotions, and his body. I pray for the destruction of the spiritual blindness and deafness that Satan keeps upon him. I pray for the Holy Spirit of God to bring the fullness of His power to convict, to bring repentance, and to lead _________________ into faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. I ask that he be covered with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask that Satan's power to blind him to the Truth of God be broken.

Believing that your Holy Spirit is leading me, I claim ______________ for You in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for the answer to my prayer. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I joyfully lay this prayer before you in the worthiness of His complete work. Amen.
